8.3 There may be no less than 5 and no more than 10 persons on board during any race, unless consent is given by the fleet for exceptional circumstances. One child counts as one person.
8.4 No crew may be added or removed within 5 minute of the start of any A-cat race.
8.8 No races are to be started in sustained winds of 20 MPH or greater.
8.9 All races are to be shortened if the wind reaches a sustained 22 MPH.
8.10 All races are to be abandoned if the wind reaches 24 MPH.
8.11 The Fleet Captain will be responsible for alerting the BBYRA as to whether a mandatory reef will be required. The mandatory reef is expected to be called for if a sustained wind of
16mph or over is determined. If a mandatory reef is called for, it must be put in place before the start of the race and be kept in until the first windward mark. Beyond the first windward
mark, reefing is no longer mandatory.
8.12 For all race days that have two or more scheduled races (including BBYRA two race afternoons), the crew weight is to remain substantially the same between the races. If there is to be
a change in crew from the first race to the second, the exchange must be of roughly equal weight and of the same amount of crew. All crew must be onboard by the start of the 5 minute
starting sequence.
8.13 All races are to be sailed under the US Sailing rules, including the fleet’s return to the 720 rule.
8.14 With the exception of wrist/stopwatches and hand held wind meters, any electronic
information displaying equipment used in any boat performance capacity during the racing season will be limited to one dedicated unit. This unit must be a “stand alone” type of unit.
There are four allowed functions. These are compass heading, wind shift indicator, line bias, and a race timer. (For example the Tacktick t040 model that is currently being used by 5 boats
would be legal, as would the Tacktick’s newly released replacement for the t040, the t070) No external information gathering or processing equipment may be used in conjunction with this
single self contained display (no GPS equipment, no depth finder, no hull speed indicator, electric mast head mounted devices of any kind, no hand held GPS or display equipment of any
kind, etc.) Any desired equipment may be used for testing purposes during the off season. All information gathering devices or equipment that falls outside the accepted class rules of 2007
must be removed from the boat for the time between the first scheduled race of the season to the last race of the season.
8.15 The BBYRA Ocean Gate race is to be sailed from an anchor start. The race must be at least 10 miles in length and start at 2:00 PM.
8.16 No boat is to be hauled for more than 48 consecutive hours without the consent of the fleet captain and class rules committee. No boat may be out of the water for more than 96 hours
during any one month period without the consent of the fleet captain and class rules committee.
8.18 Any newly proposed rule that is agreed upon during an official A-cat meeting
must be added to the official rules listed on the barnegatbayacat.com website within 4 weeks of the meeting. Until it is added to the official rules “in writing” and publicly available on the
internet, it will NOT be considered an enforceable class rule.
8.19 It is impossible to foresee every conceivable innovation which may be thought of in the future or mention every suggestion that has been ruled illegal in the past. When in doubt, it
must be assumed that anything in connection with the boat, sails or rigging which is not clearly covered by the official class rules and specifications or published chief measurer’s rulings is
illegal and that a ruling must be obtained from the fleet. If there is a question as to whether there is a violation, the fleet will be asked to vote by majority as to whether a violation exists or
not. In such a situation, a written description of the issue must be provided by a representative of the boat in question. If not written by the boat owner, this may be done by the boat
builder involved or any other representative that would speak on behalf of the boat with the permission of the boat owner(s). The written description (which may include scanned drawings or
digital pictures, etc) must be e-mailed to all owners or voting representatives of each A-cat. Once the written description is sent out, the fleet has one week to decide as to what action, if any,
should result. Unless a minimum of 7 votes (out of 13 as or 2007) are returned by e-mail within the one week period stating that there IS a rules violation, the subject will NOT be
considered a violation. The one week time period is important. Boat builders, for example, in many cases design as they build, rebuild, or repair a boat. They would generally have to
“know either way” in a short amount of time as not to unnecessarily impede the progress of their work or plans.
8.20 All boats are to use Interlux Micron Extra for all areas of the boat under the
waterline. This includes the lower part of the centerboard that extends under the waterline when the board is in the fully raised position. (This rule was previously agreed upon by a
majority vote in the fall 2002 A-cat meeting.)
8.22 The morning BBYRA Junior races will continue unchanged.
8.23 The drop races for the BBYRA series will be 1 drop for every 5 races. (This will likely mean 3 drop races total)
8.24 The maximum overall crew weight may not exceed 1600lbs during any race. Give the nature of our fleet, this rule will not be functionally enforceable. Abiding by the
rule will be the responsibility of the skipper of each boat.